Umar Sheikh Taken Out from Post:
The Punjab government has taken out Umar Sheikhfrom the post of Lahore Capital City Police Officer, it arose on Friday. Sheikh has supplanted with Ghulam Mehmood Dogar, who has filled in as a cop for a very long time, including the Lahore DIG tasks and Lahore boss traffic office[1].

Warning by the Punjab Services and General Administration Department:
A warning gave by the Punjab Services and General Administration Department. Endorsed by the central secretary, expressed: “Muhammad Umar Sheikh (PSP/BS-20). Lahore Capital City Police Officer (in his compensation and scale) is thus moving with quick impact and posted as Deputy Inspector General of Police/Deputy Commandant, Punjab Constabulary, Farooqabad against an empty post. [1]”
Same Notice to Dogar (PSP / BS-20):
A similar notice said Dogar (PSP/BS-20), who was formerly filling in as DIG Technical Procurement, Punjab Central Police Office, “is thusly moved with quick impact and posted as Capital City Police Officer, Lahore (in his own compensation and scale)” instead of Sheikh[1].

Dogar, who hails from Sialkot, considered as a part of probably the most expert, capable, and dependable cops in Pakistan. He holds BSc Civil Engineering and MSc degrees, as per data delivered by the Punjab Inspector General of Police office. He joined the Police Service of Pakistan (PSP) as an associate administrator of police (ASP) in 1993 and has a place with the 21st Common Training Program[1].
The debate of Previous CCPO Umar Sheikh:
Previous CCPO Sheikh had something reasonable of debates during his present moment. In September a year ago, the then Punjab IG Shoaib Dastgir eliminated. He quit working in dissent against supposed remarks made by Sheikh. Sheikh, during a gathering with senior cops, had supposedly denounced the commonplace police boss. Dastagir had supposedly met the PM and the Punjab boss priest and looked for a test into the supposed wrongdoing by the CCPO and proper activity. Else, he had requested to be moved[1].

The cop likewise started shock recently when he offered comments suggesting that the casualty of the Lahore motorway assault occurrence shared duty regarding her assault[1].
Explaining the Incident of a Lady at Gujjarpura:
After the lady was assaulted by two “Robbers” on gunpoint before her kids in the Gujjarpura territory, Sheikh had pontificated that the casualty had neglected to avoid potential risk before embarking for her excursion[1].
PTI Government Ruled over the eliminating Sheikh:
At that point, the PTI-drove government had ruled against eliminating Sheikh, notwithstanding rehashed calls from common society and basic freedoms activists for him to supplant. The previous Lahore police boss had thusly apologized to the assault casualty for his remarks[1].
Sheikh’s Lower Staff Decision:
In late September, individuals from Sheikh’s lower staff had chosen to organize a dissent after he had his own secretary, a BS-16 authority, quickly captured. Subsequent to getting angry with the secretary over a minor slip by in authentic work, Sheikh had called him to his office where he supposedly mishandled him and had him briefly ‘captured'[1].

The conclusion is that the previous CCPO Umar Sheikh has eliminated from the post of CCPO Lahore. Minister of Punjab Usman Buzdar got many complaints from many sources. He said that he did not take action against any crime. Umar Sheikh only talks and lame excuses in front of the public. There was a case of a motorway in which he did not do instead of making lame excuses and spare communication. In other words, his performance was Zero (0), not a time for the office to do work, only came in the office late at night. So, they have to remove from the seat or post from the CCPO Lahore. These types of officers should not be in our offices for work. I pray from ALLAH that; he may save us from these non-serious officers.
1. Dawn. 1st January 2021; Available from: