General Sir Nick Carter said Britain and the whole of the world should need to learn from the history and the international missteps which can take the world war in the last century that the uncertainties caused by the Covid-19.They are worried about that Coronavirus can be the World War 3[1].
During the conversation on the sky news, Sir Nick gave the comments about the remembrance Sunday whether he has feared the global economic crisis that the Coronavirus can be the World War 3. He told that the Sophy Ridge On Sunday program there is a worry that the increase in the regional conflicts playing out across the world could ramp into the “full-blown war”, mirroring the run-up to the world wars in the 20th century when there is a series of the alliances between the countries led to the years of the bloodshed[1].

The senior official argued that with the world being is becoming “a very uncertain and anxious place” between the pandemic, there was the possibility that “you could see escalation lead to the miscalculation” [1].
Sir Nick said that “we have to remember that the history might not repeat itself but it has a rhythm and if you look back the last century, before both world wars, I think that it was unarguable that there was escalation which led to the miscalculation which ultimately led to the war at a scale we would hopefully never see again. [1]”
“And that’s why remembrance matters because if you look back at the history hopefully you learn from their experience and you make sure that you are very cautious about the conflicts that how you manage them and we see playing out in the world today. [1]”
He did not specify that there were conflicts in which there are more than 1000 people had died in six weeks of fighting in Clashes between Turkey-backed Azerbaijan and Russia-Allied Armenia over the mountains enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh[2].
At the same time, the countries which can be the initialization of World War III are Russia, Iran, the US, and the UK, have forces operating in or around Syria[2].
In other words, in Ukraine, the conflict is continuing between Russia-backed separatists in the east of the country and Ukrainian government forces. Revolving to the UK, the upper leader said that he did not know whether the Assets would give the protection a multi-year reasonable clearance. General Carter said that “At the moment there are negotiations going on in a very constructive way” [2].

“But clearly from our perspective, we are going to argue for something like that because we need long-term investment because long-term investment gives us the opportunity to have confidence in modernization.” [2]
“Modernization essentially means you are going to park some capabilities, perhaps from the industrial age, and want to look forward to some of the capabilities you need for an information age.” [2]
“And having the confidence to do that of course means you need confidence in your long-term investment.”
Sir Nick in another interview from the Times Radio, he admitted that there is any uncertainty about the prospect of the military which is being drafted into the Police coronavirus lockdown in the United Kingdom[1].
He said by forcing ‘people to get off the streets’ is ‘not what the military is for’[1].
More added by Sir Nick: “I would be leery about getting involved in all of that. There are others who are better qualified to do it, I would suggest” [1].
Analysts review World War III:
The defense analysts said that a multi-year budget is needed the fund the military element of the major shake-up of the defense, security, and the foreign policy that is being conducted by Boris Johnson’s government. The integrated Review was due to the unveiled this month but looks set to be further delayed because of the pandemic. It had been started and is expected for publication earlier this year. The document is expected to set out how the UK’s armed forces are adapting, with the analysts anticipating a reduction in heavy armor such as tanks, and greater emphasis on lighter, more agile forces, as well as cyber weapons and autonomous vehicles and aircraft. [2]
General Carter:
General Carter said about World War III and the weapons which will be used in the war. “I think that you are going to see an armed force which will use and designed for the 2030s,” and more he said that “you would not get there overnight but that’s the direction of travel. [2]”
The anchor asked a question about the clarity for the War, he asked that regardless of whether he could give somewhat greater lucidity on whether the audit would mean an objective figure for the multitude of 82,000 officers would recoil, the military boss stated: “No, I can’t spell that out, not least because the decisions have not been taken, but what I’m hinting at is that we need to be thinking about how we measure effects in a different way. [2]”

He added to the conservation that “I mean I suspect we can have an army if 120,000 of which 30,000 might robots, who knows. [2]”
“but the answer is that we need to open our minds to perhaps numbers not determining that we should be doing but rather the effect that we can achieve, is really what we should be looking for.” [2]
The armed forces and the government against the Coronavirus:
The armed forces are playing a key role in the government’s response to the Pandemic, with some 2000 personnel deployed to Liverpool to help with the mass Coronavirus testing program for the city[2].
He said utilizing the military to assume control over the whole COVID-19 testing program was a choice yet added that he believed in the current set-up right now[2].
Getting back to Remembrance, General Carter said it is a disgrace COVID-19 limitation mean veterans won’t have the option to check Remembrance Sunday similarly obviously[2].
“But at the end of the day, Remembrance is essentially a very personal thing as well and I think the message I would want to put out to people is that let’s remember at home if we can’t do it collectively, let’s stand on our doorsteps at 11 o’clock and bow our heads and think about what our forebearers did for us.”[2]

It is to conclude that there are many countries that have their very low economy and their economy also been demolished due to the coronavirus, they don’t have enough sources to fulfill their needs. There are underdeveloped countries are facing issues about the sources for the survival as well as the developed countries also affected by the coronavirus. Due to which there are many many chances that the countries can initialize the war which can become World War III, this became a huge amount of destruction of the world on a large scale and Coronavirus can be the World War 3. We want peace for others and ourselves.
1. 10th November 2020; Available from:
2. 10th November 2020; Available from: