Emma Alam and the World Memory Championship:
Alam won the three-day rivalry, contending in excess of 10 controls, which included contenders from China, Canada, UK, South Korea, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Algeria, the United States, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Libya, Qatar, and Iraq. Emma Alam and Syeda Kisa Zehra from Team Pakistan additionally broke numerous World Records in the current year’s title[1].
Establishment of World Memory Championship:
World Memory Championships was established in 1991 by the widely acclaimed Tony Buzan and Raymond Keene to focus on the fantastic intensity of human memory[1].

World’s Best Speaker in Forbes Magazine:
The late Tony Buzan was the world’s best 5 speakers detailed by Forbes Magazine. He was the person who promoted the possibility of mental education. Raymond Keene is Grandmaster of Chess and a designated Officer of the Order of the British Empire by her highness Queen Elizabeth[1].
Different Regions Around the World:
Since 1991, the title has made a trip to different prominent worldwide settings, including The Kingdom of Bahrain, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University, Imperial College London, The Royal Festival Hall, Olympia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hainan, and Wuhan. With the endeavors of the World Memory Sports Council, Asia Pacific Memory Sports Council, National Memory Sports Council of Pakistan, and the Global Chief Arbiter Lester He, the World Memory Championships 2020 had received on the web and coordinated mode, where the worldwide memory competitor network contended simultaneously in 16 nations and areas[1].
Talented Candidates with Different Best Skills:
The applicants with the best, quickest, and most refined memory talents contended to exhibit their scholarly force and to set new statures of what the human memory can genuinely accomplish[1].

The Global President of The World Sports Council Raymond Keene Addressing:
The Global President of The World Memory Sports Council Raymond Keene, in his authority explanation, stated: ‘The field comprised of an amazing 300 contenders from 16 nations and this broad field the victor, the best on the planet from the 29th World Memory Championship, risen out of the Pakistan group, so brilliantly and expertly prepared by Sania Alam. [1]”
Congratulating Emma Alam, he said that “one of the extraordinary brandishing achievers for Pakistan, an interesting courageous woman in the pandemic-stricken 2020, and preeminent excellent world memory champion for 2020. [1]”
The excitement of Emma Alam:
Emma Alam said that she was excited to have won. “I had planned to give my best in WMC 2020, sponsored by a ton of day-by-day practice for as long as two years with my mentor and the foundation.” The winner said that she was as yet shocked at how amazing the component of human memory is and the cerebrum’s endless data stockpiling framework[1].
“I plan on contending again one year from now with far superior execution. Praise each one of those astounding contenders who contended from across the globe,” she added[1].
Emma Alam Dedications:
Emma Alam is a devoted little youngster from Pakistan and has contended in different memory titles remembering the third Asia Pacific Memory Championship for Malaysia, and the 28th World Memory Championship in China, having won innumerable awards and prizes through her unbelievable execution. She is as of now finishing her investigations through self-teaching[1].

Abeerah Ather, who is another individual from Team Pakistan, accomplished the seventh situation in the 2020 worldwide rankings. Emma Alam and Team Pakistan were prepared under the Institute of Human Memory Development International (IHMD) [1].
The World Memory Sports Council about Games:
World Memory Sports Council (WMSC) is the overseeing body for the Mind Sport of Memory around the world. World Memory Championships is a regarded competition of brain sports, where aptitudes of scholarly capacity are estimated instead of actual games. Psyche Sports an exceptional type of game contrasted with the Olympic Games where one praises greatness in athletic execution and the other commends the fittest cerebrums on earth. Brain Sports are probably the best and esteemed games drilled the world over today. Just WMSC coordinated titles are perceived and acknowledged by the Guinness World Records[1].
A year ago, 28th World Memory Championship occurred in China and the general hero was Ryu Song, the little youngster from the mind-blowing group of DPR Korea[1].

The conclusion is that a girl from Pakistan won the World Memory Championship whose name is Emma Alam. She won a Prize from the World Memory Championship and also took part in different games. In those games, she also a winner and made a name for Pakistan in front of the world. We also participate in the games according to the interest. Thus, these games are a part of entertaining and good for mental health.
1. Geo. 02nd January 2021; Available from: https://www.geo.tv/latest/327624-young-pakistani-girl-wins-world-memory-championships.